Today's Alcan drive took us from Fort Nelson, BC to Watson Lake, Yukon. It was a great day, full of cool stops and animal sightings.
We had about 315 miles to drive today across British Columbia into the Canadian Yukon before stopping in Watson Lake for the night.
We went through Liard river area. stopping to soak for awhile at the Liard River hot springs. What a nice break from driving- a soak in the natural hot springs!
We hiked through a mosquito filled, marsh area to get to the hot springs and to see a hanging garden,
where most others were wearing mosquito nets!
Lots of animal sightings today. It is recommended not to drive the area we drove today at night due to all the animals close to the road. I could see night driving along this stretch being very challenging!
We saw 4 bear, 1 caribou, more bison and stone sheep than you could count!
Went past Muncho Lake, Toad River, Smith Falls, and Allen's overlook.
Really Cool story-along our drive, my dad had been telling me stories about how years ago, his Grandpa, my great-grandpa had left his wife at home with 5 boys in Washago Beach, Ontario, to go out to the Fort Nelson area to work for MacNamara construction company as a supervisor. We went across the Lower Liard River Bridge that is the last remaining suspension bridge on the Alaska Highway, built and finished in 1943 by MacNamara construction. That would have been the time my great-grandpa, Nelson McClelland, was working in the area and he likely worked on that bridge!
We stopped and looked for a plaque and tried to find a list of those who worked on the bridge to no avail! But, so cool to think we drove across a bridge my great grandpa was involved with!!
We stopped for the night at the Air Force Lodge (neat history, restoration, and back story) after touring the Watson Lake sign forest (full of over 100,000 signs that people put on posts from everywhere!) and having Chinese for dinner. Turns out my kid has never had any Chinese food other than an egg roll- when he asked me why he hadnt eaten it before, it's because his dad doesn't like Chinese food- so he's never had it- poor deprived kid! Great day crossing into the Yukon ❤️